The Institute for Translational Artificial Intelligence

Committed to bringing artificial intelligence to the frontiers of Science


The Institute for Translational Artificial Intelligence works with primary scientists to apply advanced methods to their research. Our focus on operations allows us to develop models, design applications and write software that pushes the boundaries of frontier science with the most sophisticated mathematics available.


We focus on projects supporting the UN Sustainability Goals. We believe that Environmental Health IS Personal Health and have deep expertise in application of AI to Healthcare, Climate Change and Clean Energy.


Co-Founders Wendy Owens and Brian Dolan have decades of experience in analytic science.

Our experience working with national agencies and major research institutions lead us to design tools and methods which to translate scientific advancements from “bits to bedside”.

Who We Serve


Scientists are dreamers and thinkers, inspired by an unimaginably broad world of possibilities. We believe field and laboratory scientists should have unfettered access to the advances made by computational scientists. Today, that means connecting advances in Digital Twins, Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things to ecologists, cell biologists, psychiatrists… the whole world of Science! Contact us to start a discussion on how you can use advanced mathematical methods in your research.

Non-Governmental Organizations

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) are key drivers of international policy. Issues like Climate Change, Conservation and even Cancer Research are driven by the advocacy and lobbying that NGOs bring to the popular conversation. At this scale, the issues are far too complicated for simple statistical analysis. Let the Institute for Translational Artificial Intelligence help your NGO leverage sophisticated mathematical methods within your domain.


The Institute for Translational Artificial Intelligence can bridge the gap between bench science and corporate initiatives. How do ecological issues affect your supply chain? What is the complete environmental impact of your next major offering? Can publicly available datasets provide insight on global operations? We have deep domain expertise on datasets from multiple international and government sources that are certain to be of value to any entity operating in an international capacity.

Areas of Focus

Clinical Research as a Care Option (CRAACO)

Climate Change

Contact Us

If you would like to discuss your project, please contact Brian Dolan or Wendy Owens with questions.